Tuesday, March 24, 2015

"The Gonzalez Family Christmas" by Layla


The Gonzalez Family Christmas

by Layla

The year of 2014 the Gonzalez family was getting ready for Christmas. This Christmas was kind of the greatest holiday ever. It was the 21st and it was 3 o'clock in the morning. I had to get all of the decorations for the Christmas tree--well, some of the decorations for the Christmas tree.

You must be wondering why I'm getting the gifts and decorations. It's because my parents are in the hospital and I am the oldest child, so that's why I'm really upset.

Anyway when I got all of the decorations, I woke up my brother and sister, so they could help me decorate. I promised my parents that I would still make this a great Christmas for my family. It was very hard because I had to make sure that the food was cooked and I had to make sure that there were gifts under the tree. This is a lot of work, so now I know how my parents feel.

On the 22nd is when I got the rest of the gifts for my family. After that I had to get the food ready. I got the mashed potatoes, the turkey, salad and some dessert (which was chocolate cake). I got party bags. Then I got my brother and sister ready and of course I got ready too, and then we went downstairs to the party.

My brother only looked at the chocolate cake. He got crazy. He has a problem. He goes wild when he sees chocolate, so he ran across the room and he got on top of the table. In addition everybody felt scared. All the guests ran away and he didn't even get to sleep.

I was really scared about what would happen to him but anyway luckily the party was on the 24th so on Christmas there was a big surprise. My parents came from the hospital. It was the best Christmas ever.


  1. I love this story. The part about the brother is so funny :)
    Keep writing!!

  2. You are a awesome writer, I love this blog plz keep on writing

  3. Mommy is so proud of you. Your imagination and creativity has made you an incredible writer, looking forward to reading more writing pieces by you.

    Love ,

  4. Layla: What a sweet story. The meal sounds super tasty. I might react the same as the brother - I love chocolate too!!! I'm so glad you shared your story with us!
    Patty W.
