Thursday, February 26, 2015

"Martin's Message" by Steven

Martin's Message
A poem

by Steven

Martin Luther King tried to fling racism's wing.

His power is like a holy tower.

It's like if he was playing football with the 1981 Forty niners.

You might say it’s crazy but it’s not it’s amazing.

Becuase people were saying violence with violence but King was saying that just equals more cryin'.

So stop with violence and we'll accomplish a triumph.

And everyone's fighting about segregation and it's just breakin' our bodies.


  1. This poem is really awesome

  2. This is so cool great job !!

  3. Wow Steven. This made me cry. Very inspiring poem!

  4. you rock! i love love love your poem
    From TyLynn

  5. Steven: What a wonderful interpretation of such an historic message. Keep writing because your poetry will inspire many people.
    Patty W
