Monday, April 20, 2015

Jack "The Kung Fu Guy" vs. Zane "The "Mystery Guy" by Ibrahima

Jack "The Kung Fu Guy" vs. Zane "The "Mystery Guy"

by Ibrahima

Jack "The Kung Fu Guy" knew kung fu better than everybody. He was so good he could break a stick with his hand and he could break a stick with his feet.  Jack was a teacher at a kung fu class. Jack defeated bad guys.  Jack could do kung fu very fast.

Zane the "Mystery Guy" was a villain.  Jack "The Kung Fu Guy" was Zane's enemy. Jack wanted to defeat Zane because Zane had killed Jack's mom and dad.

Zane the "Mystery Guy" kicked Jack "The Kung Fu Guy" but Jack fought back. Zane knocked out Jack with a super kung fu punch. Zane was winning now so he built a super arm that could destroy the city. So Jack went to the city to defeat Zane. They fought and Jack "The Kung Fu Guy" won.

Then Zane the "Mystery Guy" got an evil plan. It was to build a machine that could do super fast punches and would give him super speed. Jack ran to the city to find him.  Zane was in the streets destroying cars and buildings.  Jack snuck up and took Zane's machine in a sneak attack. Suddenly Zane couldn't see Jack running. Jack punched Zane with his own new super machine. Zane the "Mystery Guy" was humiliated. He started to cry and then he ran away. Jack fought for good and he had won!

The End


  1. Wow kunfu guy rocks!!!

  2. Jack sounds like a good dude! And he has super skillz. What a guy!

  3. This was a awesome piece!

  4. I was so glad Jack won in the end. That Zane guy was such a villain!

  5. Ibrahima: You are a very good writer. I enjoyed your story and the way you expressed the details of the characters. Keep writing and sharing your stories with the world. .
    Patty W.
