Wednesday, December 16, 2015

"Tida's Special Fruit Smoothie"

Tida's Special Fruit Smoothie

Ingredients                       Materials                  
Strawberries*                                 Cup                    
Milk                                                Knife
Yogurt                                             Blender
Honey                                             Cutting board
Ice Cream

*You can use a different fruit you like instead of strawberries.


  1. Rinse and drain the strawberries in cold water.
  2. Cut** the strawberries in half and put them to one side.
  3. Carefully put your strawberries (or your other favorite fruit) into the blender.
  4. Add the milk, yogurt and honey and put the lid on securely.
  5. Blend** the mixture until it is completely smooth.
  6. Pour the smoothie into a glass and enjoy. What a great way to start the day!!!!!!!
**Parents should supervise the cutting and blending!

Monday, December 14, 2015

Amanda’s Special Macaroni And Hot Dogs

Amanda’s Special Macaroni And Hot Dogs

  • macaroni (3 packs)                                                                                                        
  • hot dogs (4 packs)                                                                                                        
  • yellow cheese (1 block)



  • cup
  • plates
  • cutting board
  • sieve
  • pan
  • BIG spoon
  • pot
  • knife


  1. First you need boiling hot water. Then you put the macaroni in the pot.
  2. Now the hot dogs come in. You use the cutting board to cut the hot dogs, then put the hot dogs in the pan.
  3. Next put them in the pot with the mac and cheese, then take it out with the sieve to take out the water.
  4. Last, mix the hot dogs into your mac.
  5. Then put in the cheese and mix. Hope you enjoy my mac and hot dogs. It's YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMYYYY.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

"Steven's AWESOME homemade silly putty" by Steven

Steven's AWESOME Homemade Silly Putty

Hi! My name is Steven and I’m going to show you how to make silly putty. My experience was very  fun because I got messy.
Ingredients: Here are the ingredients and the places are where you can find them.
1. 1 cup of white glue (Elmer’s--All multipurpose glue liquid, Bic, etc.)
(Found at school supply stores, Walmart, your local convenience store, etc.)

2. 3-5 drops of food coloring [optional]
(Found at $.99 stores, supermarkets, etc.)

3. 1/2 cup of concentrated liquid starch (Sta-flo, Tide, Purex, Breeze, etc.)
(Found at Michael’s crafts store, Walmart, etc.)
1. Mix the glue with the food coloring until the color is even throughout.
2. Pour the liquid starch into the colored mixture.
3. Stir and let it sit for 10 minutes.
4. Then take it out and let it dry on a paper towel until it is slimy enough to stretch it (about 8 minutes).

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Jermaine's Mac and Cheese by Jermaine

Jermaine's "Yummy in My Tummy" Mac and Cheese

by Jermaine

Want to try a different kind of mac and cheese? Well, why not try this one? This goes great with Elijah's "Keep You Awake" Shake!

(Makes 4 servings)
Approximately 20 minutes prep time

1 box of noodles

1/3 of a stick of butter
2 sharp cheddar cheese blocks
2 teaspoons of salt
1 dash of black pepper
2 cups of milk
2 cups filled with fresh broccoli


(1) Get pot of water
(2) Get teaspoon of oil and add to pot of water
(3) Add noodles to boiling water
(4) Let the noodles boil for 2 to 3 minutes
(5) Strain the noodles using a colander and then put back into pot
(6) Shred the blocks of cheese
(7) Place cheese in pot with noodles
(8) Mix cheese until melted
(9) Next add your 1/3 stick of butter, 2 teaspoons of salt, 1 dash of pepper and 2 cups of milk
(10) Boil your cup of broccoli
(11) Add dash of salt to broccoli
(12) Strain the broccoli using a colander and add to mac and cheese

Now, sit down and enjoy your mac and cheese!

And don't forget to make Elijah's shake too!

Elijah's "Keep You Awake" Shake! by Elijah

Elijah's "Keep You Awake" Shake!

by Elijah

Have trouble staying awake? Drink this! This goes great with Jermaine's "Yummy in My Tummy" Mac and Cheese recipe!

(Makes 2-4 servings)
Approximately 12 minutes prep time
1 and 1/2 cups of milk
(You can use the milk of your choice.)
1 cup chocolate ice cream
1 cup coffee ice cream 
1 cup of ice 
A can of whipped cream


(1) Get your blender out
(2) Put the chocolate and coffee ice cream in the blender
(3) Take out measuring cup and put 1 and 1/2 cups of milk in the blender
(4) Add ice
(5) Add whipped cream

(6) Blend for about 5 minutes

(7) Taste it to see if it is smooth (if too chunky, blend for 3 more minutes)

(8) Serve in about 3 minutes (so that it's not too cold or too melted!)

Now, relax and drink your shake!

And if you want something to eat with this shake, go to Jermaine's mac and cheese!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Jack "The Kung Fu Guy" vs. Zane "The "Mystery Guy" by Ibrahima

Jack "The Kung Fu Guy" vs. Zane "The "Mystery Guy"

by Ibrahima

Jack "The Kung Fu Guy" knew kung fu better than everybody. He was so good he could break a stick with his hand and he could break a stick with his feet.  Jack was a teacher at a kung fu class. Jack defeated bad guys.  Jack could do kung fu very fast.

Zane the "Mystery Guy" was a villain.  Jack "The Kung Fu Guy" was Zane's enemy. Jack wanted to defeat Zane because Zane had killed Jack's mom and dad.

Zane the "Mystery Guy" kicked Jack "The Kung Fu Guy" but Jack fought back. Zane knocked out Jack with a super kung fu punch. Zane was winning now so he built a super arm that could destroy the city. So Jack went to the city to defeat Zane. They fought and Jack "The Kung Fu Guy" won.

Then Zane the "Mystery Guy" got an evil plan. It was to build a machine that could do super fast punches and would give him super speed. Jack ran to the city to find him.  Zane was in the streets destroying cars and buildings.  Jack snuck up and took Zane's machine in a sneak attack. Suddenly Zane couldn't see Jack running. Jack punched Zane with his own new super machine. Zane the "Mystery Guy" was humiliated. He started to cry and then he ran away. Jack fought for good and he had won!

The End

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

"The Day the World Died" by DJ

The Day the World Died
A Rap

by DJ

Click here to see the video!

I thought today was gonna be a good day
but the dead started rising today. 
So I grab my gun
gunshots hit the floor
when I run.
Boom! Boom! Boom! But now I'm tight
I'm really really really
having a fight.
Hey finally I found my friend Lue
we got all mixed up in this goo.
Fight zombies all day with Lue.

I found a map on a trap
and it really was flat
and when I took the map off it went SNAP!
Zombies were coming.
We had to go
with the flow
I found my sister's bow.
We went inside and outside
looking for that plane.
We couldn't even find one clue.
What a shame, (beatbox in background)
what a shame,
what a shame.
These zombies, this map, this plane, a frame?
Finally we went out to sea.
These fleas are stinging us like bees.

(Voices speaking in background)

Hey look is that a plane?
Yes it's a plane.
Now we are in the plane.
Let's go home, bro.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

"Why Christmas Day Went Horrible" by Amanda

Why Christmas Day Went Horrible
A comic strip

by Amanda

I hope you love this comic strip!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

"The Funny History of Slinkys" by Brandon

The Funny History of Slinkys

by Brandon

The Slinky was invented by a U.S. Navy engineer Richard James in 1943. He was working on a chemical but it was too hot. He tried to get his spring, but it fell off the desk. Then it went down shelf to shelf and when it stopped moving he put one spring on the edge. He turned it into the Slinky.

The Slinky helped the U.S. in war when the government used them as communication soldiers. Closing the Slinky meant the army should charge and pulling it out meant to spread out and the other army did not know about this.  The Slinky also helped people do magic tricks, keep kids occupied, and have fun.

Back when Richard James created it and it was in the store, it cost $1.00 for each Slinky.  Now you can go to Toys R Us and buy it for $5.00.  The company that makes Slinkys is "Alex Brands" ( Now, Slinkys have colors and they come in star shapes, squares, and hearts. There is even Slinky-style clothing and a building, paper Slinkys and plastic.

Richard James died in 1998 but his family and kids are still here. The Slinky shows how even a toy can help people--in wars, magic tricks and all types of stuff.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

"The Gonzalez Family Christmas" by Layla


The Gonzalez Family Christmas

by Layla

The year of 2014 the Gonzalez family was getting ready for Christmas. This Christmas was kind of the greatest holiday ever. It was the 21st and it was 3 o'clock in the morning. I had to get all of the decorations for the Christmas tree--well, some of the decorations for the Christmas tree.

You must be wondering why I'm getting the gifts and decorations. It's because my parents are in the hospital and I am the oldest child, so that's why I'm really upset.

Anyway when I got all of the decorations, I woke up my brother and sister, so they could help me decorate. I promised my parents that I would still make this a great Christmas for my family. It was very hard because I had to make sure that the food was cooked and I had to make sure that there were gifts under the tree. This is a lot of work, so now I know how my parents feel.

On the 22nd is when I got the rest of the gifts for my family. After that I had to get the food ready. I got the mashed potatoes, the turkey, salad and some dessert (which was chocolate cake). I got party bags. Then I got my brother and sister ready and of course I got ready too, and then we went downstairs to the party.

My brother only looked at the chocolate cake. He got crazy. He has a problem. He goes wild when he sees chocolate, so he ran across the room and he got on top of the table. In addition everybody felt scared. All the guests ran away and he didn't even get to sleep.

I was really scared about what would happen to him but anyway luckily the party was on the 24th so on Christmas there was a big surprise. My parents came from the hospital. It was the best Christmas ever.